Wiener Hofmusikkapelle, Seit 1498. To home page



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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mass in D major, KV 194 (ORF radio broadcast)

Vienna Boys Choir, Members of the Vienna State Opera orchestra and men's choir, "Choralschola der Wiener Hofburgkapelle", Jordi Casals, Wolfgang Kogert

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Chorus Juventus

Jugendchor der Wiener Sängerknaben

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"Piccolominimesse", KV 258

Vienna Boys Choir, Members of the Vienna State Opera orchestra and men's choir, "Choralschola der Wiener Hofburgkapelle", Mirjam Schmidt, Robert Kovács

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Duo Oxymoron

Accordion festival in the Imperial Court Chapel

Anna Steinkogler (harp) & Valentin Butt (accordion)

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